Deep Reinforcement Learning in Atari Economics

The goal of this work is to create an environment to use deep multi-agent reinforcement learning techniques to study resource allocation mechanisms in dynamic environments with both AI and human participants. Through running concurrent Atari games, such as Space invaders, and introducing resource constraints to agents, we seek to better understand resource allocation problems. We hope to use this AtariEconomics framework to serve as a benchmark for understanding these kinds of allocation problems, and, in turn, examine multi-agent behaviors together with suitably optimized mechanisms.

Harvard's Long-Term Income and its Connection to Slavery

Previous research into Harvard's finances have uncovered various connections to slavery; however, that research generally only accounted for short-term income, such as large one-time donations. My novel research, centered from 1830 to 1840, found strong connections between Harvard's long-term income and slavery-related sources.

The Historical Use of Medically Induced Malaria To Treat Neurosyphilis

We analyzed a case study of the historical use of medically-induced malaria to treat patients with neurosyphilis in Central State Hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana during the 20th century. We demonstrated that the malaria followed a diurnal expression alongside drops following the use of Quinine.

The Effect of NEF on Pulmonary Arteriole Hypertension In Mice

We analyzed Negative Regulatory Factor (Nef) transgenic mice and wild type controls to see if there was smooth muscle remodeling in pulmonary arterioles in the lung. We demonstrated that Nef transgenic mice had more smooth muscle layers around the pulmonary arterioles than the WT control mice.


Fu, M. R., Sandusky, G. E., A Case Study of the Historical Use of Medically Induced Malaria to Treat Neurosyphilis. 2019. Indianapolis, IN.

Fu, M. R., Moster, A., Sandusky, G. E. Clinical Evaluation of Tertiary Syphilis Patients Treated with Malaria in 1929-1947 at Central State Hospital in Indianapolis, IN. Submitted to Butler Research Poster Session 2019. Indianapolis, IN.

Moster, A.*, Fu, M. R., Sandusky, G. E. Analyzing Pulmonary Hypertension in small Arterioles with NEF Transgenic Mice through image analysis. Submitted to Butler Research Poster Session 2019. Indianapolis, IN.

Stephens, M.*, Fu, M. R., Maguire, C., Jacobsen, M., McElyea, K., Sandusky, G.E. Restoration of Anatomic Gross Specimens in Old Glass Museum Jars at the Indiana University Pathology Department. Indianapolis, IN.

Stephens, M. R., Fu, M. R., Moster, A., Jacobsen, M., Sandusky, G. E. Analyzing Pulmonary Arterioles in the NEF Transgenic Mouse Model through Histology and Image Analysis. Future Scientist Program 2018 Poster Session. Indianapolis, IN.

*Indicates Co-first author